World Cancer Declaration Target: 
Target 3 Reduce exposure to cancer risk factors
Campaign title: 
“Kære mor, kære far, kære dig” (“Dear mom, dear dad, dear you”)
Description of the campaign: 
By the The Danish Sun Safety Campaign (The Danish Cancer Society and TrygFonden). The “Dear mom, dear dad, dear you” campaign is a part of the “Turn off the sunbeds” campaign. The target group of the campaign is 15-25 year old Danes and the main massage is “turn of the sunbeds”. The campaign aims to reduce the amount of skin cancer and melanoma cases by communicating the connection between UV-exposure from sunbeds and skin cancer/melanoma. The pocket flicker campaign was the result of a competition for 12-16 year old school kids in 2013/2014. The young competitors had to shoot a video with their mobile phone with the message “Turn of the sunbeds, your skin never forgets”. The first prize was a professional production of the best video.
More information: 

The Danish Sun Safety Campaign (The Danish Cancer Society and TrygFonden)


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