Session 1: Introduction 

Session objectives

  1. To facilitate introductions and relationship building among Country Teams and ICCP Partners
  2. To understand the purpose of the ICCP ECHO Program
  3. To become familiar with the format, approach, tools and proposed topics of the ICCP ECHO Program sessions
  4. To have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any aspect of participant involvement in the ICCP ECHO Program

Presentation slides

Recording (link) 

Session 2: Sharing Country Team Priorities

Session objectives

  1. To continue to familiarize participants with the ICCP ECHO format and participants
  2. To share and learn about participating countries’ implementation priorities for the upcoming year.
  3. To have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any aspect of participant involvement in the ICCP ECHO Program

Presentation slides

Recording (link)

Session 3: Building Partnerships and Engaging Stakeholders in NCCP Implementation

Session Objectives

  1. Identify essential stakeholders for NCCP implementation and strategies for recruiting additional partners
  2. Discuss the importance of an accountability framework and assigning roles and responsibilities for NCCP implementation
  3. Discuss engagement and communication strategies for NCCP implementation

Presentation slides 

Recording (link)

Session 4: Creating and Using a NCCP Priority Implementation Plan

Session Objectives

1. To understand the levels and components of a NCCP Priority Implementation Plan
2. To learn about different strategies to consider in creating and using an implementation plan
3. To hear from colleagues their successes and challenges with NCCP implementation plans

Presentations: Didactic presentation slides by Leslie Given (Strategic Health Concepts) and case presentation slides by Paulette Ibeka (CHAI Nigeria)

Recording (link)

Session 5: Monitoring and Evaluation of a National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP)

Session Objectives

1. Review principles and resources related to monitoring and evaluation of implementation of NCCP priorities/interventions
2. Discuss opportunities to utilize monitoring and evaluation data to identify NCCP-related research questions

Presentations: Didactic presentation slides by Betsy Kohler (NAACCR) and case presentation slides by Dr Suraj Perera (MoH Sri Lanka)

Recording (link)

Session 6: Improving Service Delivery through Changes in Systems - Reducing time from diagnosis to treatment

Session Objectives

  1. Identify system change strategies in NCCPs to address reducing time to diagnosis and/or time between diagnosis and treatment
  2. Discuss the impact when there is a system disruption (like COVID-19) on time to diagnosis and/or time between diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients
  3. Identify system change solutions and opportunities to address time to from diagnosis to treatment

Presentations: Didactic presentation slides by Patti Gravitt (NCI US) and case presentation slides by Dr Joyce Kambugu (Uganda Cancer Institute)

Recording (link)

Session 7: Mid-point Progress Update - Country Team Sharing of Progress on Implementation Priorities

Session Objectives

  1. To learn from each country team the ICCP ECHO implementation priority they have been working on and the progress that has been made on that priority.
  2. To share implementation priority challenges with other ECHO participants and identify possible approaches to overcome the challenges. 
  3. To identify resources needed to aid progress in implementation priority work.

Presentations: Slides from Nigeria by Dr Kelechi Uzor, Slides from Sri Lanka by Dr Muzrif Munas , Slides from Eswatini by Ms. Nokwethu Mkhumane.

Recording (link)

Session 8: Cancer Control Resource Mobilization and Allocation

Session Objectives 

  1. Identify key considerations in determining how to estimate, allocate and mobilize resources needed for NCCP implementation.
  2. Identify decision makers and advocates to engage in assisting with resource development and allocation for NCCP priorities 
  3. Identify strategies to ensure resources allocated for cancer control efforts are sustained over time, despite changing national and public health priorities

Presentations: Presentation slides by Mr Doug Perin, and presentation slides by Ms. Emily Kobayashi. 

Recording (link)

Session 9: Collaborating with Other Health Programs and Data Systems to Improve Cancer-Related Data Collection and Use

Session Objectives

  1. Identify opportunities to leverage data infrastructure across programs and systems, as part of NCCP implementation.
  2. Identify strategies to align indicators across systems and with other programs to help improve data and the ability to track and assess NCCP outcomes.
  3. Learn about challenges and solutions in collaborating with partners to improve cancer data collection and use

Presentations: Didactic presentation slides by Dr Isabelle Soerjomataram (IARC) and case presentation slides by Mr. Bandzile Mthethwa (Eswatini National Cancer Control Program)

Recording (link

Session 10: Increasing the Capacity of the Cancer Prevention and Control Healthcare Workforce

Session Objectives

  1. Identify policies to support workforce capacity building and utilization
  2. Identify options to sustain workforce capacity building efforts over time
  3. Learn about country-driven successes/solutions to challenges in health workforce capacity building

Presentations: Didactic presentation slides by Prof. Chite Asirwa (Kenya) and case presentation slides by Ms. Layo Lawson (CHAI, Nigeria)

Recording (link)

Session 11: Closing the Research to Implementation Gap: Implementation Science Role in NCCPs

Session Objectives

  1. Gain an understanding of the role of implementation science as a part of NCCP implementation
  2. Identify partners that can help you with incorporating dissemination and implementation research into NCCP implementation

Presentations: Didactic presentation slides by Dr. Prajakta Adsul (University of New Mexico, USA) and case presentation slides by Dr. Suranga Malawige (MoH, Sri Lanka)

Recording (link)

Session 12: ICCP ECHO Capstone Session

Session Objectives

  1. To learn from other participants their progress on ICCP ECHO priorities over the past year, and their future plans for continuing work on their priorities. 
  2. To discuss challenges and lessons learned on the implementation of priorities with all participants.

Recording: (link)