Key Global Milestones | | | Building capacity through ICCP |
“The members of the United Nations committed themselves to a set of measures within four priority areas – governance, prevention, health care, and surveillance and monitoring. These time-bound measures include setting national NCD targets consistent with global targets, developing national NCD multisectoral plans by 2015, and starting implementation of those plans by 2016, in order to achieve the national targets.” (Source: Global Status Report on NCDs 2014)
Taking part in global efforts to reach the reduction of one-third of premature deaths due to NCDs (in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goal 3.4), the International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) is a unique initiative that addresses the need for the cancer control community to invest its efforts in the development and implementation of National Cancer Control Plans (NCCPs) as described in the WHO Global Status Report in 2014.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. The development and implementation of comprehensive, evidence-based, well-resourced and operational cancer plans is a critical step for countries to translate commitments into actions and address the multifaceted challenge of tackling cancer. While a WHO survey published in 2015 reported that 87% of countries have cancer plans, policies or strategies in place, only 68% of those were considered operational. The Partnership’s Vision is to support cancer planners and decision-makers at global, regional and country levels in the development, implementation and evaluation of a high-impact and comprehensive NCCP.
Figure below: Countries with plans, policies or strategies for the leading NCDs and risk factors, by WHO region and World Bank income group
The ICCP builds on the opportunity afforded by the NCD movement to open a dialogue directly with national cancer planners and decision-makers and stimulate national-level advocacy on key cancer components of NCD plans. Longterm, the ICCP’s primary objective is to help reach the voluntary goal within the Global Monitoring Framework of NCDs of a 25% reduction in premature mortality from NCDs by 2025, as a step toward the ambitious Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to reduce by one third premature deaths from NCDs by 2030.
To achieve this, the ICCP aims to support cancer planners and decision-makers at global, regional and country level providing expertise across the cycle of planning, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Global target 1: A 25% relative reduction in overall mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases
The Global NCD Action Plan include cancer-specific targets, actions and indicators including in the areas of:
- Cancer planning and surveillance
- Vaccination for HPV and HBV against cervical and liver cancers
- Early detection and screening for breast, cervical, oral and colorectal cancers linked to timely treatment
- Access to essential medicines and technologies
- Palliative care policies
Visit the Noncommunicable Diseases Webpage on the World Health Organisation website
The World Cancer Declaration calls upon government leaders and health policy-makers to significantly reduce the global cancer burden, promote greater equity, and integrate cancer control into the world health and development agenda.Building on the Global NCD Action Plan (2013-2020) agreed by Member States at the World Health Assembly in May 2013, the global cancer community has identified a set of immediate actions for all stakeholders, in particular governments, to advance progress towards 9 World Cancer Declaration targets. Learn more about the World Cancer Declaration here.
Population-based cancer registries (PBCR) and National Cancer Control Plans (NCCP) are considered to be the foundation stones of comprehensive cancer control, which is why they form the first two targets of the World Cancer Declaration.
The partnership aims to build on experience of partners and plans that are already being implemented around the globe to accelerate the World Cancer Declaration targets:
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- Take a whole-of-government and multisectoral approach to ensure that all major stakeholder groups are involved in the development, updating, resourcing and implementation of national cancer control plans.
- Encourage integration of cancer control plans in emerging national NCD plans.
- Increase efforts to empower and involve cancer patients in both cancer control planning and patient-led self-care at a local and national level.
Until recently, the cancer community lacked an effective forum to coordinate cancer control planning efforts at both the national and global level. Formed in 2012 following discussions at the World Cancer Congress in Montreal, the International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) is one of the key measures being taken to bridge the gaps in cancer control planning. The ICCP is a collective of key international organizations united in their efforts to promote and support cancer control.
The Planning Cycle is a process that support the development and implementation of an effective population-based NCCP addressing social determinants of health, prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care and survivorship at all health system and societal levels.
This cycle is a process that helps every country to develop its own unique plan because the cancer problems and the systems dealing with these problems are different in each country.
The ICCP aims to assist cancer control planners across this planning cycle by:
- Providing a knowledge-base for cancer planners
- Creating a searchable database of current Cancer and NCD Plans from around the world to learn from on the experiences of those who have already developed cancer control plans and are now implementing them.
- Providing facilitated access to materials and tools reflecting best practices in one place on this Web portal
- Addressing the needs of cancer planners
- Offering technical assistance from major global stakeholders in a coordinated manner
- Achieving assessments for capacity building
- Training personnel from a multidisciplinary perspective and with targets and evaluation strategies
- Providing networking opportunities for sharing experiences and best practice amongst decision-makers, such as the Prevention Network.
- Advocating for making cancer control plans a priority
- Positioning cancer control as a central part of the global NCDs movement
- Performing analysis of gaps and highlighting priority areas for inclusion in the plans
- Providing a platform for connecting in-country cancer planners with members of the partnership and UICC members.
Let us know what you are doing for advocating for the development and implementation of cancer control and prevention planning.
We would also be very interested in learning from your experience in cancer control planning.