For the first time, key international organizations have joined together to coordinate their efforts to support national cancer control plan development and implementation.
The International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP), formed in November 2012, is a group of organizations whose members were already individually working to support country cancer control planning efforts. Now, these organizations will work together on identified priorities to maximize their collective resources and avoid duplication of effort.
The long-term outcome that the ICCP is working towards is that all countries have and are implementing a quality cancer control plan, which is linked to a country’s non-communicable disease (NCD) control efforts. The ICCP believes that prioritizing cancer is critical to reaching the voluntary goal within the Global Monitoring Framework on NCDs and the WHO Global NCDs Action Plan 2013-2020: a 25% reduction in premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases) by 2025.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) have put together a World Cancer Day 2015 Webinar, The Role of National Cancer Control Plans in the Global Fight against Cancer, which takes a look at the ICCP; its mission to aid in the development, implementation, and evaluation of high quality national cancer control plans; and the ICCP Portal, as an online one-stop shop for cancer planners and policymakers.
All countries have a well resourced optimal National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP) providing a framework for the systematic and equitable implementation of evidence-guided, cost-effective strategies for cancer prevention and control integrated with noncommunicable disease (NCD) plans for translating global NCD commitments into national action.
As a foundation for addressing the rising burden of non-communicable diseases and accelerated adoption of appropriate plans and strategies to meet the globally agreed 2025 NCD targets and Global Action Plan, the International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) aims to support cancer planners and decision-makers at global, regional and country level in development, implementation and evaluation of high impact and comprehensive NCCPs. These plans should be developed in consultation with all stakeholders including the civil society and cancer patients, based upon the population cancer burden, account for contextual circumstances and make optimal use of available resources. NCCPs should build on cancer surveillance, research, prevention and health promotion as well as existing diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
The development of an effective population-based NCCP should address the social determinants of health, prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care and survivorship at all health system and societal levels (home, community and specialist care settings).
As a collaborative partnership, ICCP aims to support all countries in their response to the NCCP challenge in providing advice across the cycle of planning, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation including periodic assessment revision and adjustment. The ICCP will work to showcase opportunities and foster best practice partnerships across non-communicable diseases, build new synergies with existing health programmes and put high level NCD commitments into practice through:
- Advocacy at global and local levels
- Providing a one-stop-shop of best practice resources, including a tool for initiating plans and a searchable database of published NCCPs
- Addressing data gaps for stepwise development, phased implementation and scale up
- Responding to requests for technical assistance from low income countries
Partnership Priorities
- Advocate that countries make cancer control a priority
- Use ICCP networks to reach out to country decision-makers to encourage them to make cancer control a priority
- Jointly assist countries to develop and implement quality cancer plans
- Work within the ICCP to coordinate efforts around development and dissemination of cancer control planning materials and tools, technical assistance and training, and to address data gaps
- African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)
- American Cancer Society (ACS)
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
- Breast Health Global Initiative (BHGI)
- Cancer Council of the Pacific Islands
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA (CDC)
- International Atomic Energy Agency – Program of Action for Cancer Therapy (IAEA - PACT)
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- International Cancer Control Congress Association (ICCCA)
- Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM)
- Livestrong Foundation (LIVESTRONG)
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- National Cancer Institute USA (NCI)
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCNN)
- Red de Institutos Nacionales de Cáncer (RINC)
- Two Worlds Cancer Collaboration
- Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
- University of Hawaii
- World Health Organisation – AFRO
- World Health Organisation – EMRO
- World Health Organisation - EURO
- Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organisation
- World Health Organisation - HQ - Department of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion (CHP)
- World Health Organisation – Women's Health