December 2, 2020

An updated list of resources related to COVID-19 and cancer:

  1. 1. ICCP Statement on the Importance of NCCPs and COVID-19
  2. ecancer resources on Covid-19 and cancer and COVID-19 and cancer intelligence hub featuring resources on Risk factors for cancer patients, Management during the pandemic, Impact of lockdown and self-isolation measures and Registries and other collaborations
  3. American Cancer Society resources and  and American Cancer Society podcast
  4. Fred Hutch resources 
  5. ASCO resources: ASCO is holding a weekly global webinar series on cancer care during the pandemic.
  6. National Cancer Institute: “Coronavirus: What People with Cancer Should Know"
  7. National Comprehensive Cancer Network: “How to Manage Cancer Care during COVID-19 Pandemic"
  8. Cancer Support Community: “What Cancer Patients, Survivors and Caregivers Need to Know about the Coronavirus"
  9. Cancer Research UK: “Coronavirus (COVID-19) and cancer"
  10. MacMillan: “Advice on coronavirus for people with cancer"
  11. British Society for Haematology: “Coronavirus guidance for blood cancer patients
  12. Prostate Cancer Foundation: “COVID-19 Resources”
  13. Lymphoma action: “Advice on coronavirus for people with cancer”
  14. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation: “Latest advice Coronavirus and lung cancer”
  15. WHO e-learning resources
  16. Government of Australia: Information for people with cancer about COVID-19
  17.  St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: What Does COVID-19 Mean for Children with Cancer or Other Illnesses?
  18. Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance: COVID-19 Resources
  19. Kenya Society of Hematology and Oncology: Recommendations for physicians caring for cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic
  20. Research article: Cancer Care Delivery Challenges Amidst Coronavirus Disease – 19 (COVID-19) Outbreak: Specific Precautions for Cancer Patients and Cancer Care Providers to Prevent Spread
  21. ECHO Institute's COVID-19 webpage with resources
  22.  A Round-Up of Multilingual Resources on COVID-19
  23.  Recommended resources compiled by the Masonic Cancer Alliance
  24.  Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators (AONN) Resources on COVID-19
  25.  Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Information regarding Coronavirus
  26. ABC Global Alliance: Coronavirus 2019 and Cancer
  27. European School of Oncology (18 March 2020): The impact of coronavirus on oncological care  
  28. IAEA COVID-19 related information provided by the Division of Human Health
  29.  The Cochrane Collaboration: special edition on effective options for quitting smoking during the pandemic and relevant articles from the Cochrane Library.
  30. IAEA Human Health Campus webinars about COVID19 and radiotherapy and
  31. Center to Advance Palliative Care COVID-19 Response Resources
  32. Cancer, COVID-19 and the precautionary principle: prioritizing treatment during a global pandemic. 
  33. Cancer guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  34.  The European Cancer Patient Coalition COVID-19 Information
  35. The European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology ESTRO COVID-19 Resources
  36. American Society for Radiation Oncology COVID-19 Recommendations and Information
  37. City Cancer Challenge’s webinar on cancer care during COVID-19
  38. American Society for Clinical Pathology Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Resources 
  39. The Covid-19 and Cancer Consortium: consortium of over 50 cancer centers and other organizations to collect data about cancer patients who have been infected with COVID-19
  40. Oncology Language for the COVID-19 Pandemic
  41. CDC Staying Well While Staying at Home A Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers and Family Members in English and Spanish
  42. The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Resources relevant to Palliative Care and COVID-19
  43. Organisation of European Cancer Institutes Magazine with articles on cancer and Covid-19
  44. The Global Coalition for Radiotherapy website with survey data, case studies and a live discussion forum specifically on managing radiotherapy services during covid-19
  45. Government of Australia: Cancer care in the time of COVID-19: A conceptual framework for the management of cancer during a pandemic
  46. Mesothelioma Cancer and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Five Things for Patients to Know
  47. WHO Interim guidance: Clinical management of COVID-19
  48. WHO Country & Technical Guidance - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
  49. Special Issue on International Perspectives into Biobanking During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  50. American Society of Clinical Oncology Road to Recovery Report: Learning From the COVID-19 Experience to Improve Clinical Research and Cancer Care