Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation: the Bread exam 2020 Early detectionPreventionYear: 2021Language: OtherRegion: LebanonOrganization: Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation Link
Friends of Cancer Patients, Pink Caravan 2020 Early detectionPreventionYear: 2021Language: English, OtherRegion: United Arab EmiratesOrganization: Friends of Cancer Patients (UAE) Link
Cancer Foundation Finland, the Pink Ribbon campaign 2020 Early detectionYear: 2020Language: OtherRegion: FinlandOrganization: Cancer Foundation of Finland Link
FEMAMA, 3 questions that can save a life Early detectionPreventionYear: 2020Language: OtherRegion: BrazilOrganization: FEMAMA - ederação Brasileira de Instituições Filantrópicas de Apoio à Saúde da Mama Link
Outubro Rosa Moçambique - Cancro da mama Early detectionYear: 2017Language: OtherRegion: MozambiqueOrganization: Outubro Rosa Link
Quit Smoking Now (Tuku Ifi Leva) PreventionYear: 2016Language: English, OtherRegion: TongaOrganization: Tonga Health Promotion Foundation Link
The Breast Cancer Fashion Targets (O Câncer de Mama no Alvo da Moda) Early detectionYear: 2015Language: OtherRegion: BrazilOrganization: Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer (IBCC) Link
Fall in love with life (Apaixona-te pela vida) PreventionYear: 2015Language: OtherRegion: PortugalOrganization: Pulmonale Link
Bowel Cancer Campaign - Man, be aware! (Hold øje, mand!) Early detectionYear: 2014Language: OtherRegion: Denmark Link
Healthy Diet - Small steps - big difference" (Små grep, stor forskjell) PreventionYear: 2012Language: OtherRegion: Norway Link