This Assessment Tool identifies the critical elements of 1) preparing to develop a national cancer plan, 2) developing a national cancer plan, 3) implementing a national cancer plan, 4) evaluating the implementation of the national cancer plan, and 5) updating a national cancer plan. The tool provides countries with an opportunity to assess their own efforts in each of these areas to develop a plan of action to address critical planning and implementation elements. Although the tool is written in a linear sequential format, the user can use the tool in a non-linear way by using the section(s) that are most relevant based on the current status of the country’s cancer control plan development and implementation efforts.
The tool is meant to engage key stakeholders in a thoughtful discussion of essential elements of developing and implementing a country’s national cancer control plan. It may assist in identifying areas for enhancement, improvement, or shed light on reasons for challenges that have been encountered. While this tool is not a guide about how to develop and implement a plan or provide specific solutions to uncovered issues, the resource section at the end of the Assessment Tool provides links to specific resources that provide this kind of “how to” guidance.