
The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) has introduced Self-Learning Courses on several aspects of alcohol and drug harm and policy. The virtual courses may be accessed by anyone and are available in English and Spanish.

Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), which is the World Health Organization (WHO) region for the Americas, is running an elaborate self-learning center, the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) via the internet. There are various forms of learning and the self-learning courses are those in which the way to learn is mainly by yourself. Learning materials and resources are provided, the individual search for other sources of information is promoted and self-evaluation tools are included to assess knowledge. In some of these courses, self-enrollment is necessary to obtain an online certificate.

Among the self-learning courses are two courses on alcohol and drug policies:

  • Course on Policy for Alcohol and Other Substance Use
  • Course on Drug Policy and Public Health